The Swedish-German AllBright Foundation is a politically independent non-profit organisation with headquarters in Stockholm and Berlin. The foundation works to promote more women and diversity in executive business positions. It focuses on equal career opportunities for men and women and better company results by diverse and modern management teams.
AllBright continually follows the progress of gender balance in executive management teams and boards of directors of the 160 publicly listed companies in Germany. The foundation’s activities target management and HR representatives in companies as well as multipliers and media and aims to shift the debate from discussing problems to delivering solutions.
We raise awareness with keynotes, panel discussions and workshops
With inspiring keynotes we raise awareness amongst business leaders and employees. We share the facts from our reports as well as best practice on how organisations can become more diverse.
The AllBright Academy provides companies and organisations with knowledge regarding equal opportunity structures and gives managers the tools to practically implement the necessary cultural change in day-to-day life.
If you are interested in more information about our keynotes and the AllBright Academy please contact us at academy@allbright-stiftung.de.
Our reports review the representation of women
in top management positions
AllBright continually reviews gender representation in the business sector. Each year, we publish two reports. In autumn, we release a report that monitors gender diversity in the management teams of listed companies in Germany. In spring, we investigate a specific area. So far, we have reviewed listed companies' boards of directors and nominating committees, analysed the recruitment patterns of senior executives and made an international comparison of the gender balance of executive management teams. You can find all AllBright reports in German here.
Below you can find our newest reports in English.
Lonely at the Top: Companies bring women into executive boards, although usually just one
Published: October 18th 2023
Finding Women: Companies count on headhunters to provide more diversity to executive boards
Published: June 2023
Battle for the Best Minds: Competition for female directors is increasing
Published: October 19th 2022
Real change or tokenism: Many German executive boards now do include a first woman
Published: October 27th 2021
Germany’s Special Path:
The share of Women on DAX executive boards declines during the crisis
Published: October 7th 2020
Developing Country:
German companies are finally beginning to find women for leading positions
Published: September 23rd 2019
Germany Last Place:
Corporations across the world get more women into top management
Published: May 14th 2018
German board rooms lagging in gender equality
DW News, May 3rd 2021
Germany mandatory quota
BBC World News, November 27th 2020
It’s easier for a woman to become chancellor than CEO in Germany
Bloomberg, December 21th 2020
Deutsche Welle 27. Oktober 2021: More women have joined Germany's executive boards — but not many
Wall Street Journal 16.3.2021: Germany Readies Quota for Women Board Members
O Globo 23.1.2021: “Diversidade de gênero é questão de CEO, não do RH”
Le Figaro 7.1.2021: L’Allemagne instaure des quotas de femmes administratrices
Bloomberg 21.12.2020: It’s Easier for a Woman to Become Chancellor Than CEO in Germany
CNN 24.11.2020: Germany will require companies to put women executives on their boards
Deutsche Welle 26.10.2020: Corporate Germany has a woman problem and the pandemic is making it worse
Deutsche Welle 7.10.2020: Study suggests women in German top jobs declining
Deutsche Welle 10.6.2020: German family-owned businesses still male and conservative
Svenska Dagbladet 21.9.2019: Sverige på tvärs mot kvinnlig chefstrend