The AllBright Academy provides companies and organisations with knowledge regarding equal opportunity structures and gives managers the tools to practically implement the necessary cultural change in day-to-day life. After all, a new way of working together is needed to ensure that the most talented are promoted in a fair way and that mixed teams can bring out the best in each other.
Don’t fix the women - fix the system
The Academy teaches research-based and field-tested measures for this purpose. They are not specific sessions for women in order to better adapt them to the existing system, but rather training to help further develop the system so that potential is better utilised. Existing processes, ways of interacting, distribution of tasks and resources need to be re-evaluated and reshaped to ensure that female and male potential can be equally exploited for the company.
Learning from the best
Deutsche Telekom and SAP support the Academy in developing the training courses, which results in an practice-tested approach tailored to the needs of German companies. Best practice examples play a central role because you can learn a lot from the best. This also applies to the Scandinavian and Anglo-Saxon countries, where the share of women in management positions is already much higher than in Germany.
Diversity is a leadership topic
The educational sessions and training courses are primarily aimed at managers, who play a decisive role in cultural chance, as well as organisational development and diversity officers. Workshops are offered as in-house training sessions that can be conducted both digitally and analogue, in German or English. Individual modules can also be combined into longer training units. On demand, there are special offers for management teams, recruiters or HR managers seeking to address the topic systematically.
Open Workshops
We offer open workshops for individuals at regular intervals:
„For Men Only”, 06. May 2025, 9:30 - 12:30 Uhr, More info →
„Gender Equality”, 03. June 2025, 9:30 - 12:30 Uhr, More info →
„Gender Bias Basics”, 26. November 2025, 9:30 - 12:30 Uhr, More info →